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Digital Marketing Acronyms for Knowing and Understanding

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AI - Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence used to be seen as a high-tech, futuristic concept, but the reality is that it is now here and plays a crucial role in the development of our technology. AI is the name we give to computer learning. It refers to any intelligent machine that can work and respond like a human. For example the Google Assistant, Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri and Microsoft’s Cortana.

AR - Augmented Reality

AR overlaps the current environment with new information. With the help of a camera or projections, AR manipulates the user’s environment with artificial digital information. PokemonGo, for example, is an AR app.

B2B - Business to Business

B2B refers to a company that sells products or services to other companies. For example, DMT is a B2B company.

B2C - Business to Consumer

B2C refers to any company that sells its products or services directly to everyday consumers. National supermarket empires, Woolworths and Coles, for example, are B2C companies.

CLV - Customer Lifetime Value

CLV is how valuable a customer is to a company for the duration of his time as a customer. It is generally a prediction of a customer’s monetary value in the long term.

CMS: Content Management System

Your CMS is the system used to manage the content on your website. For many people this would be WordPress, Magento or maybe Joomla.

CPA: Costs Per Acquisition

The CPA is simply how much you pay for an acquisition. The “acquisition” is really the part that needs clarification. In digital marketing, an acquisition is the completion of a specific promotion specified by the advertiser. This promotion can be anything from a show or a click to something more substantial, such as submitting a form or a purchase. If you choose to use the CPA payment module, it may entail higher costs than the CPC scheme (see below), because it is so competitive but produces more accurate results.

CPC: Cost Per Click

The CPC is the price that an advertiser pays each time a potential customer clicks on an advertisement and is usually linked to SEM (see below). With CPC you don’t pay when a searcher views your ad, you only pay when they click. It does not work based on unique clicks, so no matter how often an individual user clicks on the same ad, you will be charged every time. This cost module is the standard way to pay for PPC ads (see below).

To calculate the total costs of your campaign, you can use the following formula:

Total costs = (total # clicks x CPC)

CPM: Costs Per Mille (Costs Per thousand)

CPM is derived from the Roman numeral “M”, which means a thousand, and is the most commonly used unit for the price of PPC ads. It indicates the total cost of a thousand (1,000) impressions on one page or ad.

To calculate the cost per impression, simply divide the CPM by 1,000:

Total cost = ((total # impressions x CPM) / 1,000.)

CR: Conversion Ratio

The CR refers to the speed at which a visitor takes a desired action. After you have set conversion goals, you measure your success based on the conversion rate.

CRM: Customer Relationship Management

Like a CMS, your CRM is a management system that helps coordinate the relationship between you and current and potential customers. Depending on the software you use, you can tag leads at different stages of the sales funnel and offer them a more personal purchasing process. For current customers it helps you keep track of your successes and any hiccups en route to get the best out of the customer relationship.

CRO: Conversion Rate Optimization

Your CRO is an extension of your CR (see above). Conversion Optimization is what you perform to improve the speed at which your visitors convert on your website. This can include things like reducing the number of mandatory fields for purchase on your website, targeted CTAs (see below) and optimizing headers.

CSS: Cascading Style Sheet

CSS, such as HTML (see below), is a language used to code and design websites.

CTA: Call to Action

Your call to action is a convincing instruction that is used in your web content. Without a call to action, your audience doesn’t know how you want them to continue. A CTA often comes in button form and links to another part of your site. For example, you can tempt your readers to find “More information,” “Contact,” or “Buy now.”

CTR: Click Through Rate

CTR can apply to many different facets of digital marketing. Whether it’s your website engagement statistics, social media ads or email marketing, your clickthrough rate basically reflects the percentage of traffic that clicks. The higher the percentage, the higher the involvement. When it comes to website analysis, the CTR often shows the percentage of visitors who clicked from one page to the next; while for social media and email marketing it indicates how many people clicked on a button or advertisement. To calculate the CTR, you must know the number of impressions. An impression can be the total number of page views on your website; the number of users who have viewed an advertisement; or the total number of emails sent or the open rate depending on the email marketing platform that you use.

You can find the CTR using this comparison:

CTR percentage = ((clicks / impressions) x 100)

CX: Customer Experience

CX describes how marketers describe the customer’s journey, from the first interaction with your brand to the purchase and the subsequent storage process.

FB: Facebook

Facebook is the world’s leading social media platform. If you are not on FB, are you really on social media?

GA: Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a Google platform that records and records data related to the activity on your website. It can keep track of how a visitor encounters your site, which pages they view and how long they stay before they leave. It can also track custom goals and measure your site’s conversions and transactions.

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language

HTML is the language (or code) that is used to develop websites.

HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol

HTTP is the protocol used to create web-based messages and translate them into usage content. Just as a copper line sends your vote over the telephone, HTTP sends your website to your visitors in the same way.

IP: Internet Protocol

Your IP address is a unique number that connects your device to all your online activities and with which you can communicate with other devices.

ISP: Internet Service Provider

Your ISP is the company that offers your internet service.

KPI: Key Performance Indicator

A KPI is a quantifiable value that confirms the effectiveness of a company’s strategy to achieve their primary business goals. KPIs are not only used in digital marketing, they are used in all types of companies and track performance to see how far a company is in achieving its business goals. By describing the statistics that your company intends to measure, you get a clear indication of what works and what does not work for your company.

In digital marketing, we look at KPIs to track the success of various advertising campaigns. By measuring the performance of your site in comparison with industry standard statistics, you increase your chances of success.

PPC: Pay Per Click

Pay Per Click ads is a digital marketing model that allows users to pay when an ad is clicked. This acronym is interchangeable with CPC (see above) with all click costs sent to the publisher. The publisher can be a search engine, a platform for social media or a website.

PPV: Pay Per View

Pay per view is a payment method used for video or image ads. Advertisers pay every time their advertisement is seen by an audience for a certain period of time. PPV ads use the same concept as ordering a pay per view sports game on cable TV; however, instead of the consumer paying the costs to view or view the content, the advertiser pays to show it to him. This scheme works well for advertisers because the advertiser is only charged when the ad is loaded and viewed for a certain time.

SEM: Search Engine Marketing / Search Marketing

Search engine marketing is a form of PPC advertising (see above). It is a way for companies to pay for valuable ‘real estate’ on SERPs (see below). The most popular form of search engine marketing is Google AdWords. Based on the keywords associated with your ad and your maximum bid, ads will appear in one of the 7 available positions on the returned SERPs.

SEO: Search Engine Optimization

SEO is the method used to improve the position of a website in Google search results (or SERPs). The goal is to give a site a boost to eventually appear on page one for selected keywords. This visibility brings companies more organic traffic and increases brand awareness. This form of advertising is unpaid and works by manipulating a website to meet certain criteria or ranking factors to appear higher in search results.

SERPs: Search Engine Results Pages

Search engine results pages appear when you perform a search on search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo! The results are ranked according to their relevance to the search query and are displayed as a single hyperlink title with a caption (or meta description). There are usually multiple SERPs for each search, but most searchers will change their key words and search again before they click through to page two. That is why it is so important to use SEO for your digital marketing strategy.

MKB: Small and Medium Business

SMEs or SMEs are interchangeable acronyms for describing small businesses, usually with fewer than 200 employees. In Australia, 97% of all companies fall into the SME category.

SSL: Secure Sockets Layer

SSL is a security protocol that offers an un-compromised, encrypted link between a website and the server. This is signaled by an “s” after the traditional “http” domain prefix and gives users the peace of mind that all details they release on the website will be secure.

ROI: Return on Investment

Return on Investment is not just a marketing term, it is used throughout companies to assess the effectiveness of a single investment or to compare multiple investments. The ROI is the total return compared to the investment costs. At DMT, it generally refers to an advertising or marketing investment that generates a financial benefit for our customers.

To find out your ROI, you can use the following formula:

ROI = (profit – costs) / costs

USP: Unique Sales Proposal

Your USP is your best asset as a company – it is what sets you apart from the rest. Knowing what you offer to your competitors gives you the best ammunition with which to advertise your business. The unique sales proposition is ultimately the reason why someone would buy your product or service, so you want to make sure that you use it wherever possible.

UI: User Interface

User interface refers to everything that an online user communicates with. For example the design of a website, the functions of an online application or the navigation on the platform. A good user interface will undoubtedly improve the user’s user interface (see below).

UGC: User Generated Content

User-generated content is any type of content created and published by an unpaid source (e.g., Fans). It describes the activity of consumers promoting the brand, product or service, through images, video, posts on social media, blogs, testimonials and more, without input or request from the company they are promoting.

UX: User Experience

User experience refers to the full interaction of the user with your website, from the point of landing on your site to the point of exit. A site with a good UX shows that the owner understands consumers and their needs by providing seamless site navigation to make it easy to find the information they are looking for. Moreover, the UX also has to do with aesthetic qualities, such as design, that give the user a sense of your brand personality.

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