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Website Development

Have you ever considered what goes on behind-the-scenes of a website? We’ll be the first to say – there is a lot that goes unseen. While website design is responsible for the visual aesthetics such as color and layout, website development is in charge of the code that makes a website seamlessly function and display properly. Simply put, website designers are focused on appearance, while website developers are focused on a website’s functioning. There are two types of website developers: front-end and backend. Front-end developers work with client-facing elements of a website, while backend developers work on the server-side of a website.

Another aspect of website development is website responsiveness. When someone is searching for a place to grab lunch you need your website to load quick so they can view the menu. Any lag time and you’re out – the potential customer is onto the next lunch option.

Website responsiveness involves bringing mobile to the forefront. After all, mobile is the key to your overall strategy for the future: Google mobile-first index is working on a separate index for mobile, where they’ll measure page speeds. This shows how Google is moving more and more towards mobile, and without a responsive website optimized for the mobile experience, you’ll be left behind.

Our Approach to Website Development

With our help, your website can function seamlessly and be a beacon of hope to someone who’s looking for something at this very moment.

Some of the services we provide:

  • HTML/CSS/Javascript
  • Staying up-to-date on web development best practices
  • Cross-browser compatibility
  • Mobile compatibility
  • Make a list of viewpoint widths made for mobile, tablet and desktop.
  • Ensure load times are consistent with best practices.
  • Create a User Experience that will load fast on any device
  • Mobile SEO
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