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YouTube Video Advertising

You can make people aware of your brand/ product/ service on YouTube via 2 broadly different categories:

  • YouTube marketing – this involves the creation of a YouTube channel and regular posting of high-quality, meaningful, informative, interesting, fun, or creative content. For example, a chef posting cooking videos (recipes) on his YouTube channel, or a fashion brand posting about fashion tips, trends, latest fashion news & events, etc.
  • YouTube advertising – this involves running paid ads on YouTube (and partner apps/ sites) which is shown before or within content created by others

Depending on your business type, objectives, budgets, and other considerations, you could choose to do one or both.

Marketing on YouTube

For a business or professional, YouTube makes for a great marketing medium. You can set up your YouTube channel and create regular content to be uploaded thereon. It’s important that the content created meets one or more of these criteria: it’s fun, creative, entertaining, informative, inspirational, or meaningful.

These videos should also be optimized for YouTube searches or SEO so that your video can show up when people search using relevant keywords on Google or YouTube.

Regular creation of quality content will, over time, build up a subscriber/ follower base for you, creating value for you and your business via sales/ referrals/ word-of-mouth publicity, and more.

You can choose to create and optimize your YouTube channel content by yourself, or you can use the services of a digital/ YouTube marketing agency to manage and promote your channel content.

Advertising on YouTube

Even if you do not have the resources to maintain a YouTube channel with regular content updates, you can still reach the active YouTube user base with video ads promoting your business.

Being a part of Google, YouTube benefits from the immense knowledge of visitor actions, interests and behavior that Google has for each of us, and thus provides the widest range of targeting options.

YouTube ads can be targeted based on audience age, gender, language, location, interests, devices, affinity, keywords, topics, placements, and much more.

YouTube advertising is great for brand awareness. Watching a fun, creative or informative video ad of a brand leaves a more lasting impression and recall as compared to image ads.

What marketing objectives can be achieved by YouTube advertising?

YouTube ad campaigns can be set to meet a variety of marketing objectives:

  • Sales
  • Leads
  • Website Traffic
  • Product and Brand Consideration
  • Brand Awareness and Reach
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