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Achieved 2K+ Organic Followers on Instagram within 5 months

Dhe Puttu serves happiness to the customers by bringing in those diverse tastes reminiscing our good old past and an unforgettable experience at a reasonable price. Dhe Puttu as the name suggests excels in Puttu and is a landmark in Dubai's dining experience.

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  • Establish Dhe Puttu Dubai Social Media brand pages
  • Gained 2K+ organic followers on the page in the first 6 months
  • Increase instore sales by 15%
  • Increase overall brand awareness in the region within 6 months


  • Specific, insights-based & data-driven social media strategy for each channel
  • Adapting to the emerging channels
  • Ongoing content & conversational community management across our channels
  • Additional content approach (offers & giveaways tested for our audience)
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